The Significance of Keeping Roza in Islam

As a Muslim, we observe the holy month of Ramadan and keep Roza (fasting) as a way of worship and submission to Allah. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the foundation of our faith. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of keeping Roza and its importance in our faith.

The act of keeping Roza involves abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs from dawn until sunset. It is a time for spiritual reflection, self-control, and discipline. By keeping Roza, we are reminded of the less fortunate, and it instills a sense of empathy and compassion within us. Fasting helps us to become more patient, and it strengthens our willpower.

The month of Ramadan is also significant because it is believed that the first revelation of the Quran was sent down to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during this month. Therefore, the act of fasting during this month is considered to be particularly auspicious and carries even more spiritual significance.

Moreover, Roza is not only a physical act of refraining from food and drink but also entails abstaining from negative thoughts and actions. It is a time to purify our minds and hearts and seek forgiveness from Allah for any wrongdoings.

In conclusion, keeping Roza is an essential aspect of the Islamic faith. It is a time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and empathy towards others. The holy month of Ramadan provides us with an opportunity to connect with Allah on a deeper level, and Roza helps us to become better individuals in every aspect of our lives.

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